Tactile updates its Manifest enterprise app for the iPad : Tech Live Trends
The folks at Taqtile, which specializes in augmented reality (AR)-based work instruction solutions, say they’ve “dramatically improved the performance and usability of its free Manifest enterprise platform for iPad to meet growing global demand.”
The update includes a reimagined user interface and the ability to manage and complete jobs across teams. Manifest enhancements purportedly enable deskless workers in manufacturing, government, healthcare, defense, energy, utility, transportation, aerospace, and pharmaceutical sectors to better use the app as a core enabler of their work instruction strategies.
New features include:
- Streamlined workflows of step-by-step instructions to make it easier to preview a procedure for individual jobs, view the status of particular jobs, and review completed tasks on iPad.
- One-tap toggling between viewing step-by-step instructions and AR content, such as spatially anchored guidance and 3D models, leveraging more of the iPad display for enhanced viewing.
- Ability to quickly swipe between photos, videos, PDF documents, and other reference materials that workers use to complete tasks accurately and consistently.
- Larger action buttons for common activities including submitting photos, videos, and signoffs of completed steps and tasks.
- Capability to assign procedures to individuals or teams so that tasks and work can be shared across groups.