Study: iPhone beats Android as world’s most popular smartphone camera (on Flickr) : Tech Live Trends

By analyzing over 470,000,000 photos on Flickr, a new study from SimpleGhar — a site for purchasing recommendations on appliances or household gear — reveals the most used camera phones around the world.

iPhones dominate the list of the 30 most used smartphone cameras.  Here are key findings from the report: 

  •   The most popular photography device brand in the world is Apple, accounting for 150,787,710 photos on Flickr — 31.79% of the total.
  •   The most popular model is the Apple iPhone 11, which has 13,212,135 tags on Flickr.
  •   The Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max is the most popular camera phone in the U.S.
  •   The Canon EOS 5D MARK IV is the world’s most popular standalone camera, with 11,761,586 photos on Flickr.
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