Say what!? Apple, Amazon, Meta, and Tesla are worst U.S. employers

I’m highly doubtful of this, but Apple has been named the country’s worst employer by a new study, with Amazon, Meta and Tesla not far behind, according to the DailyMail.

The article says resume builder platform looked into the LinkedIn data of the top 100 market companies in the U.S. to find which workplaces have the best and worst employee retention rates. Many of America’s most successful companies like Tesla, Goldman Sachs and Mastercard all found themselves among the top 20 worst employers according to talent retention.

The study found that tech companies have the shortest retention rates, with Amazon and Meta tied for second place, behind Apple, and Tesla and Netflix not too far behind. 

On average, people working for Apple, Amazon, and Meta employers leave their jobs before their second year, claims. Other employers on the list include Goldman Sachs, Netflix and Paypal, where employees leave their roles at around the three-year mark.

This study is in direct contrast to most other such reports. For example, arlier this month Universum released its United States’ Most Attractive Employer Rankings for 2023. Apple ranks number three on the list.

The company, which specializes in employer branding, surveyed over 57,000 students from over 300 universities across the US as part of its annual global talent survey. Universal says this is the largest career preference and perception study in the world. 

The findings gathered from this research include insights into who students rank as their ideal employers and what career attributes they find appealing to them as they graduate and enter the job market for the first time.  The survey asked students which employer characteristics are most influential as they consider future employment, and which employer brands they most admire.   

Companies in the top 10 are, in descending order, Google, JPMorgan Chase, Apple, Goldman Sachs, Spotify, Nike, Netflix, Walt Disney Company, Amazon, and Microsoft.

Also, Apple makes the Indeed job site’s list of best companies to work for. The list is curated from the site’s millions of company reviews from employees.

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