10 disturbing things you should never google
Google is a biggest search platform where you can get everything in just 1 click. But guys do know there are some disturbing things you should never google. They range from weird and offensive photos, scary videos of humans, bizarre facts, and your own insecurities like disease or crime.
Unfortunately, there are people out there with sick minds who enjoy looking up this type of stuff, and then sharing it with the rest of the world. If you’re feeling curious and have a strong stomach, here are 10 of the most disturbing things you can find on the internet:
1. “Two girls one cup”
2. “Saddam Hussein”
3. “Ariel Castro”
4. “Bestiality”
5. “Loli” or “Shotacon”
6. “Cannibalism”
7. “Hitler”
8. “The Holocaust”
9. “September 11th Attacks”
10. Any kind of graphic, violent crime scene photos
10 disturbing things you should never google
1. “Blue Waffel”
2. “Goatsse”
3. “Lolita”
4. “Incest”
5. “Bestiality”
6. “Scat”
7. “Crack whore”
8. “Dead baby jokes”
9. “Snuff films”
10. Anything related to the dark web or illegal activities
But guys if still curious to find the these images on the internet then again its your choice. If you have a strong heart then go ahead the search for them on Google.
Well wait wait… If you have made up your mind then I would suggest at least never search for these disturbing things on the Google. You will be shocked and yes it can spoil your good moments – they’re just too horrifying!
Some of the things you should never google include
1. Gory images: Whether it’s crime scene photos or gruesome accidents, there are plenty of gory images out there. And while they may be fascinating in a morbid sort of way, they can also be very upsetting. So if you’re not prepared to see some seriously disturbing stuff, then don’t go looking for it.
2. Child pornography: This is one of the most disgusting and illegal things you can find on the internet. If you come across it, report it to the authorities immediately.
3. Bestiality: There are people out there who are sexually attracted to animals, and there’s a disturbing amount of material available that cater to this sick niche. Again, if you stumble upon it, report it and move on.
4. Nazi propaganda: The internet is full of hate speech and bigotry, and much of it is focused on extolling the virtues of the Nazi regime. If you’re not prepared to see some truly repulsive content, then steer clear of this stuff.
5. Dead bodies: Whether it’s photos or videos, there’s no shortage of grisly images of dead bodies out there. If you have a weak stomach, or if you just don’t want to see this kind of thing, then it’s best to stay away.
These are just a few of the many disturbing things you can find on the internet. So if you’re not prepared to deal with the shock and horror that comes with them, then it’s best to avoid them altogether.