Room-scale VR Adventure ‘Tea for God’ Comes to Quest & PC VR, Launch Trailer Here – Tech Live Trends
You might have seen the demo floating around for Tea for God for a few years now, however indie studio Void Room has finally released the full version of its VR roguelike adventure for Quest and SteamVR headsets.
Tea For God is a unique VR adventure that uses “impossible spaces”, allowing players infinite movement within their own room. While there is optional stick movement, the game’s true claim to fame is its ability to smartly guide you around your own room with your own two feet, which it does thanks to procedural generation.
Since the game dynamically scales to each user’s room, there are a few minimum space requirements. Void Room says users should have at least 1.8m x 1.2m (6ft x 4ft), although if you have less, the game will use horizontal scaling to make the world appear larger, bringing the minimum space down to 90cm x 60cm (3ft x 2ft).
You can choose to play three modes: a relaxing no-story mode, an intense arcade shooter with story, and a roguelite shooter-explorer.
There’s also an interesting narrative behind it all. Here’s how the studio describes it:
You’ll find the full version available on Quest App Lab, Oculus PC and Steam, priced at $20.