How to see who likes your youtube video
Being a Youtuber you might be curious to know how to see who likes your YouTube video. Well if someone has liked or disliked your video on your YouTube channel then is it possible or can you check who liked your video on YouTube?
Well guys, its simple answer is YES, you can easily find out who liked your YouTube video and who has disliked it from where and which country. You can see it by following some of the recommended steps which we have shared with you below. So let’s uncover everything about like and dislike of YouTube video in detail below.
How to see who likes your YouTube video from where?
To see who likes your YouTube video, go to the “About” section of your channel and scroll down to the “Likes” section. Here you’ll be able to see a list of everyone who has liked your video. Basically you will see total number of likes and dislike which you can filter later by country wise too.
You can also see how many likes each person has given your video. If you want to see more information about someone who has liked your video, you can click on their name and you’ll be taken to their YouTube profile.
Can you see who likes and dislikes your YouTube videos?
There are a few ways to see who has liked your YouTube videos. If you have a public channel, you can check the “Likes” section on your channel page to see a list of everyone who has liked your videos. You can also check the “About” section of individual videos to see a list of likes.
If your channel is private, you can still see who likes your videos by checking the “Likes” tab on your video manager page. Only people who have been invited to join your channel will be able to like your videos, so this is a good way to keep track of who is viewing your content.
You can also check the activity feed on your YouTube homepage to see recent activity from people who have liked your videos. This includes a list of all the people who have liked your videos in the past week.
Finally, you can use YouTube Analytics to track likes over time. This data is only available to channels with more than 100 subscribers. To access this data, go to the “Traffic Sources” tab and click on “Likes.” Here you’ll be able to see how many people have liked your videos in the past 28 days, as well as which videos were most popular.
These are just a few ways to keep track of who likes your YouTube videos. With a little effort, you can easily find out who is watching and engaging with your content.
So guys that’s pretty nice and clear way how to see who likes your YouTube video. You can even read official article of YouTube for better understanding and share it with others on social media sites – Have Fun!