Esports and Journalism

Esports and Journalism: A Relationship for the Ages

Esports is finally getting its time in the sun. In 2022, more than half a billion tuned in to watch at least one esports event. This is staggering when you consider traditional sports like tennis, with far more international coverage, only enjoy twice that audience. Finally, esports is being taken seriously as a legitimate competition. As the industry has grown and evolved, so too has the esports journalism sector that’s sprung up around it.

What Does an Esports Journalist Do?

The remit of an esports journalist isn’t massively different from that of a traditional sports journalist. They cover tournament events, tackle interviews with players, and provide updates on behind-the-scenes developments. More recently, there’s been increased focus on the outlook for the industry and exciting trends that are reshaping the future of competitive gaming.

However, the average esports journalist needs to wear many hats. At a major tournament fixture, they’ll also need to play the role of commentator. As such, they’ll need to have an in-depth knowledge of game mechanics, an overview of the latest meta updates, and much more.

Esports journalism can also prove incredibly lucrative. In the United States, a typical esports journalist can expect to take home more than $47,000 annually. That’s a pretty decent salary for anyone still yet to break their 30th birthday.

Are Standard News Organizations Taking Esports Seriously?

When a major esports event rolls around, you don’t have to look hard to find major news outlets covering the action. The likes of BBC and HuffPost have been doing this for years. In fact, the BBC was one of the first mainstream organizations to commit to esports coverage, putting together a team to report on the League of Legends Worlds Championship in 2015. While reporting output has never matched the coverage that soccer and tennis receive, you can expect a fair amount of column inches.

However, we’re still a long way from dedicated esports news streams. Today, tournament fixtures tend to be grouped under the banner of video games, with general gaming correspondence assigned to cover the goings on. Nonetheless, the coverage that esports does receive is pretty varied. The BBC in particular is excellent at providing insights into grassroots esports developments.

The Rise of Independent Esports Journalism

One of the most interesting things about esports journalism is how accessible it is to independent journalists. The subject matter is pretty niche, meaning you don’t have to worry about keeping on top of current affairs before drafting an article. What’s more, with so few major organizations employing full-time teams and writers to cover events, it really is a freelancer’s market. This gives aspiring esports writers more clout when it comes to negotiating fees and pitching ideas.

What’s more, we’ve moved on from an era where text-heavy blogs were the only way to report on things. Today, would-be esports journalists have many different avenues they can use to market their material and connect with opportunities. Video reporting is increasingly popular, meaning journalists can easily engage a global audience and monetize their content, without having to depend on an overdue invoice payment for an editor.

Thinking about carving out a career as an esports journalist? You’ll need to be up-to-date with the latest goings on. Ready to get started? For the latest Dota 2 schedule click here and don’t forget to share Esports and Journalism with others on social media platforms!

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