The Kremlin numbers lying warn messages
The Kremlin numbers lying warn messages news was about the number of coronavirus cases in Russia. This was a fake news which spread and that’s why the media officials released a press statement and busted this myth!!
On May 10th, the kremlin’s top media watchdog issued a stern warning to t.v. stations: don’t lie about the number of coronavirus cases in Russia. The message was clear: the Kremlin is watching, and it will not tolerate any false information about the pandemic.
But just one day later, it was revealed that the Russian government had been lying about the true extent of the outbreak in the country. The real number of cases is thought to be far higher than the official figure of just over 13,000.
The revelation has caused outrage among Russians, who have long accused their government of hiding the truth from them. It has also cast doubt on the credibility of the Kremlin’s efforts to combat the pandemic.
The kremlin has defended its record, saying that it has been transparent about the outbreak and that the true number of cases is not known. But many Russians are not convinced, and the episode has once again exposed the deep mistrust that many have for their government.
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